'There Are No Penguins In Africa' is a children's book written and illustrated by Joshua Dau, about how three Scottish penguins came to live on the sunny beaches of South Africa.
Cover, spine and back
Cover, spine and back
Pages 5 and 6
Pages 5 and 6
Pages 11 and 12
Pages 11 and 12
Pages 20 and 21
Pages 20 and 21
Pages 22 and 23
Pages 22 and 23
Here are some images of the book going on tour, following the penguins' journey.
The journey starts in Dundee, Scotland
The journey starts in Dundee, Scotland
Forced to stop the night on the Orange River
Forced to stop the night on the Orange River
They make it to Cape Town
They make it to Cape Town
And make a home on the sunny beaches!
And make a home on the sunny beaches!
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